A Student’s Corner: How Small Pieces of Wisdom Positively Impacted My Life

Throughout childhood, we often overlook the myriad of lessons imparted by our parents or guardians. The significance of these teachings didn't truly dawn on me until I ventured into adulthood—embarking on college life, welcoming my first son into the world, and navigating the complexities of personal responsibility. It was during the process of raising my child and educating students daily that the true value of those early lessons became profoundly clear.

W.E.B. Du Bois once said, “Children learn more from what you are than what you teach.” This statement resonated deeply with me recently during a simple family dinner at a restaurant. Observing my son, I noticed how he mimicked my every action—from the way I sat and cut my food to the manner in which I expressed gratitude to our waitress. This moment of reflection was a revelation, highlighting how actions often speak louder than words to those who look up to us. It reminded me of my own childhood, where my admiration for my father stemmed not from his words but from the essence of who he was.

These experiences underscore the profound impact of living by example. The lessons we impart through our actions, often perceived as insignificant, can shape the character and values of the next generation in meaningful ways. As I continue on my journey as a parent and educator, I am reminded of the importance of embodying the virtues I wish to instill in my son and students. It is through these small, everyday actions that we can truly inspire and mold the leaders of tomorrow.

Lessons That My Parents Taught Me That Changed My Life:

  1. Be a Person of Your Word – Being a person of your word means more than simply following through with the commitments you think people will remember; it means following through no matter what even if it inconveniences you.

  2. Patience is a Virtue – Patience is an exercise of self-control that shows you can handle life when times get tough, have the ability to look outside of yourself, and can withstand judgment when you need to.

  3. Treat People How You Want to Be Treated – Be the person that you would follow.

  4. Think Before You Speak – “Even a fool, when he holds his peace, is counted wise: and he that shuts his lips is esteemed a man of understanding.” Proverbs 17:28

  5. Be Careful What You Wish For – “Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, your values become your destiny.” – Mahatma Gandhi

  6. You Can Be Anything You Want to be if You Put Your Mind To It – “If you care about what you do and work hard at it, there isn’t anything you can’t do if you want to.” – Jim Henson

  7. Don’t Let Your Emotions Get the Best of You – We must choose your emotions, not let them choose you. You are the captain of your ship, don’t let the waves get you off course.

  8. Just Go For It – Sometimes you have to stop thinking, stop planning, and get out of your own way and just go for it!

  9. Never Stop Dreaming – Dreams serve as nourishment for the soul. Don’t let the noise of the world silence your aspirations.

  10. Have a Thirst For Knowledge – “A good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge.” – Bertrand Russell

  11. Don’t Live Above Your Means – Rich people save first and then see what they have to spend. Broke people spend first and then see what they have to save. Live below your means but within your needs.

  12. Follow Your Passion Not The Paycheck – If you work hard enough on your passion without focusing on the paycheck, your passion will become your paycheck.

  13. Tell The Truth, Even when it Hurts – Be a person of character and integrity no matter the emotional blow. Don’t let opportunity control your loyalty.

  14. Serve Others Before Your Serve Yourself – “The best way to finding your self, is to lose yourself in the service of others.” – Gandhi

  15. Love and Cherish Family – Family, in my opinion, is not just an important thing, a family is everything.

  16. Education is Key – “Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.” – Malcolm X

  17. Be Kind and Not Important – Creating a strong sense of character values is more important than creating wealth.

  18. Be Grateful For All That You Have –  The things that you look at as trash, may be a treasure to millions of others. Be thankful for what you have. You have no idea how many people would love to have what you got.

  19. Life Goes On: Be Resilient – No matter what life throws at you, no matter the trials and tribulations, and no matter the challenges you may encounter, your pain gives you the power that aligns you in purpose.

  20. Prayer is the Best Form of Therapy – Every time when I am stressed, overwhelmed, and frustrated prayer has been the medicine that has kept me at an equilibrium.

The small lessons we learn as children have a big impact on our lives. My own experience as a parent and educator has shown me how important it is to lead by example. Every action teaches something to those around us, especially to the younger generation watching closely. This understanding highlights the responsibility we carry to be good role models. Let's aim to be the best we can, inspiring those we influence with our everyday actions.


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